Justia Contracts Opinion Summaries

Articles Posted in Wyoming Supreme Court
Donald and Mary Fuger own forty acres of land in Wyoming. Larry Wagoner began using a five-acre section of this land for his oilfield business around 2008. The Fugers and Wagoner agreed to construct two buildings on the site, with Wagoner handling construction and the Fugers securing financing. They did not formalize this agreement in writing. A lease agreement was signed, giving Wagoner exclusive use of the buildings for five years. Wagoner claimed there was an oral agreement to transfer ownership of one building and the land to him in exchange for his construction work and loan payments, which the Fugers denied.The District Court of Sweetwater County initially found in favor of Wagoner, awarding him damages for breach of the oral contract. However, the Wyoming Supreme Court reversed this decision in Fuger v. Wagoner, 2020 WY 154, ruling the oral contract void because Mrs. Fuger did not join the agreement. The case was remanded to consider Wagoner’s equitable claims. On remand, the district court found the Fugers were unjustly enriched by Wagoner’s construction work and awarded him damages, offsetting some of these due to his use of the buildings. The court also awarded prejudgment interest on a portion of the damages.The Wyoming Supreme Court reviewed the case and affirmed the district court’s decisions. The court held that the district court did not err in offsetting Wagoner’s damages by the actual rent he received rather than the fair rental value of the second building. The court also upheld the award of prejudgment interest, finding that a portion of Wagoner’s damages were liquidated and thus subject to such interest. The court concluded that the district court acted within its discretion in its equitable determinations regarding offset and prejudgment interest. View "Fuger v. Wagoner" on Justia Law

Summit Construction filed a lawsuit against Jay Koontz and Jennie L. Kennette for breach of contract and unjust enrichment, alleging nonpayment for work performed on Mr. Koontz’s home based on an oral agreement. The work included an addition to the home and extensive renovations to the existing structure. The District Court rejected both claims, determining that there was no enforceable oral contract between the parties and that Summit did not sufficiently prove its damages for the unjust enrichment claim.The District Court found that the parties had not mutually agreed to sufficiently definite terms for an oral contract. The court noted that the project progressed without a clear understanding of the scope of work, how it would be paid for, and who would be responsible for payment. The court also found that Summit's invoices did not clearly define the terms of the contract. Furthermore, the court concluded that Summit had failed to prove the amount by which Mr. Koontz was unjustly enriched, i.e., its damages.Upon appeal, the Supreme Court of Wyoming affirmed the District Court's decision. The Supreme Court agreed that Summit had failed to show the existence of an enforceable oral contract with either Mr. Koontz or Ms. Kennette. The court also agreed with the lower court's finding that Summit had failed to establish its damages to a reasonable degree of certainty, which is necessary for an unjust enrichment claim. View "Summit Construction v. Koontz" on Justia Law

The case revolves around a dispute between Sharon Ann Koch, a member of the Buffalo Trail Ranch subdivision, and Melissa R. Gray, who was purchasing a tract in the subdivision. Koch, along with other members and the developer of the subdivision, Rocky Mountain Timberlands, Inc. (RMT), sued Gray for allegedly violating the subdivision's restrictive covenants by placing garbage, junk, and other prohibited items on her property. The covenants, filed by RMT in 2008, also required the formation of a road maintenance association, which was never established.The District Court of Albany County dismissed all claims against Gray, applying the contractual "first to breach" doctrine. The court reasoned that RMT, by failing to form the road maintenance association, was the first to breach the covenants. Therefore, it was impossible to hold Gray to the covenants. Koch appealed this decision, arguing that she had no contractual relationship with Gray, and thus the "first to breach" doctrine should not apply to her claim.The Supreme Court of Wyoming agreed with Koch. It found that the "first to breach" doctrine, which is based on a contractual relationship, could not be applied as there was no contract between Koch and Gray. The court also rejected the lower court's conclusion that RMT's breach of the covenants rendered them inapplicable to Gray. The court found no legal basis for applying the "first to breach" doctrine to a third party's enforcement of covenants. Consequently, the Supreme Court reversed the lower court's decision and remanded the case for further proceedings. View "Koch v. Gray" on Justia Law

In the Supreme Court of Wyoming, an appeal by Ronald Pinther, a former insurance agent, was dismissed. Pinther had worked for American National Property and Casualty Insurance Company (ANPAC) and American National Insurance Company (ANICO). He filed a lawsuit against ANPAC, ANICO, and another agent, Philip Maggard, claiming breach of contract, breach of good faith and fair dealing, fraudulent inducement, promissory estoppel, civil conspiracy, and age discrimination. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of ANPAC and Mr. Maggard. On appeal, the Supreme Court held that the district court had not erred in its decision. The court found that Mr. Pinther's breach of contract claim against ANPAC was governed by the Post-Termination Compensation Schedule outlined in the agent agreement. The court further held that Mr. Pinther's claim of a breach of an implied duty of good faith and fair dealing could not be maintained given the at-will nature of the agency contract. The court also dismissed Mr. Pinther's fraudulent inducement claim against ANPAC, noting that the recruiting brochure did not govern his agreement with ANPAC. The court further held that Mr. Pinther's claim for tortious interference with a contract against Mr. Maggard could not be maintained as the actions of Mr. Maggard, as an agent of ANPAC, were imputed to ANPAC. Lastly, the court held that Mr. Pinther's civil conspiracy claims against ANPAC and Mr. Maggard failed as the underlying tort claims did not survive summary judgment. View "Pinther v. American National Property and Casualty Insurance Company" on Justia Law

In this case from the Supreme Court of Wyoming, LFP Consulting, LLC (LFP), a financial advisory company, sued former employee David Edward Leighton for breach of contract and various torts after his resignation. The key issue was a clause in the parties' contract that selected Minnesota as the forum for disputes (a forum selection clause). LFP had filed the lawsuit in Wyoming and attached a waiver of the forum selection clause. However, the Wyoming chancery court dismissed LFP’s complaint for improper venue, concluding that LFP did not have the right to unilaterally waive the forum selection clause. The Supreme Court of Wyoming disagreed with the lower court, ruling that LFP, as the assignee of the contract, had the right to unilaterally waive the forum selection clause because it was included in the contract for the sole benefit of Ameriprise Financial, the original party to the contract with Leighton. The court also noted that Leighton had no relationship with Minnesota, which further supported the decision to allow LFP to waive the forum selection clause. The court reversed the decision of the chancery court and remanded the case for further proceedings. View "LFP Consulting, LLC v. Leighton" on Justia Law

In this case heard by the Supreme Court of the State of Wyoming, the plaintiff, Scherri Hacker, made a conversion claim against Hacker Oil, Inc., which had paid premiums on a whole life insurance policy on her husband, James Hacker. The policy was executed as a split-dollar arrangement, with the intention that upon Mr. Hacker's death, Hacker Oil would be reimbursed for the paid premiums, and the remaining death benefits would be distributed to Mrs. Hacker. After Mr. Hacker's death, Hacker Oil received $125,000 and half the interest accrued under the policy, which exceeded the $55,048 it had remitted in premium payments.The defendant, Hacker Oil, appealed the district court's decision, arguing that Mrs. Hacker had failed to mitigate her damages by withholding her signature from a letter agreement and by asserting a conversion claim against Hacker Oil. The court, however, upheld the district court's ruling, finding that Mrs. Hacker did not have a duty to mitigate her damages. The court determined that Mrs. Hacker's failure to sign the letter agreement prior to Hacker Oil's signing and submission of a claim to the insurance company did not constitute a failure to mitigate damages. The court further concluded that once Hacker Oil committed the conversion, Mrs. Hacker rightfully brought a claim and asserted her rights. Thus, the Supreme Court of the State of Wyoming affirmed the district court's decision, holding that Hacker Oil had wrongfully converted $70,372.68, the difference between the amount it received and the amount it was entitled to receive. View "Hacker Oil, Inc. v. Hacker" on Justia Law

The Supreme Court reversed the judgment of the district court denying Wind River Rehabilitation and Wellness's motion to compel arbitration in this action alleging medical malpractice, holding that the district court erred in denying the motion to compel arbitration.Plaintiff, the wrongful death representative of Loy Forshee, filed this action against Wind River, where Forshee lived when he fell and broke his hip, alleging medical malpractice. Wind River moved to compel arbitration under the parties' arbitration agreement. The district court denied the motion, concluding that Wind River waived his right to arbitration by waiting fourteen months to compel arbitration. The Supreme Court reversed, holding that the record did not support a conclusion that Wind River waived its right to arbitrate. View "Empres at Riverton, LLC v. Osborne" on Justia Law

The Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the district court granting summary judgment in favor of C.H. Yarber Construction in this action brought by West American Insurance Company seeking subrogation and asserting claims of negligence and breach of contract, holding that West could not pursue its claims against C.H. Yarber in subrogation.C.H. Yarber was the tenant leasing Profile Properties' commercial property in Cheyenne when the property sustained damage from a fire. West, the insurer of the property, covered Profile's fire damages and proceeded against C.H. Yarber in subrogation. The district court concluded that West could not pursue its claims in subrogation because D.H. Yarber was a co-insured under Profile's insurance policy. The Supreme Court affirmed, holding that because the relevant lease evidenced that Profile did not intend to look to C.H. Yarber to cover the insured loss, West could not pursue its claims against C.H. Yarber in subrogation. View "West American Insurance Co. v. Black Dog Consulting Inc." on Justia Law

The Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the Board of Equalization upholding the final determinations of the Department of Revenue (DOR) increasing the taxable value of Jonah Energy LLC's natural gas liquids (NGL) production for 2014 through 2016, holding that Jonah was not entitled to relief on its allegations of error.On appeal, Jonah argued that the Board misinterpreted the NGL purchase agreement between Jonah and the purchaser of its NGL, Enterprise Products Operating LLC, by refusing to account for deficiency fees Jonah paid to Enterprise in determining the NGL's taxable value. The Supreme Court affirmed, holding (1) the Board did not misinterpret the NGL purchase agreement at issue; and (2) the Board did not err by failing to take the facts and circumstances surrounding execution of the purchase agreement into account when interpreting it because there was no basis for losing outside the four corners of the purchase agreement to determine its meaning. View "Jonah Energy LLC v. Wyo. Dep't of Revenue" on Justia Law

The Supreme Court affirmed the judgment of the district court confirming the arbitration panel's finding that a non-compete clause Dr. Michel Skaf signed in his employment contract with Wyoming Cardiopulmonary Services (WCS) was unenforceable but that a previously-granted liquidation award was still valid, holding that there was no error.After WCS terminated Skaf for cause Skaf opened his own cardiology office. WCS sued Skaf for breaching the non-compete clause in the parties' employment contract. The arbitration found Skaf violated the noncompete clause and awarded WCS liquidated damages. The Supreme Court remanded the case. On remand, the arbitration panel again found in favor of WCS, that the non-compete clause was unenforceable, but that the liquidated damages award was still valid. The district court confirmed the award. The Supreme Court affirmed, holding (1) the panel did not commit manifest error by denying Skaf interest on his deferred compensation award; and (2) because Skaf did not previously appeal the panel's award, he was barred from doing so now. View "Skaf v. Wyo. Cardiopulmonary Services, P.C." on Justia Law